Property Mortgage



「Victory Finance」Provides a wide selection range of property loan services. No matter you have a title deed on hands or taken a mortgage loan in other financial institutions already, we can provide you with a tailored property mortgage loans with regardless of income level. Property owner can also apply for a second-mortgage and put the properties under further refinancing to「Victory Finance」to enjoy a more flexible payment schedule to meet your different financial needs. With「Victory Finance」services, you can easily expand your business, obtain liquidity and grasp every investment and live opportunity with ease.

Properties suitable for Property Loan purposes include tenement buildings, private housing, village houses, Home Ownership Scheme flats, Office, Shops, Factories and Parking Spaces

  • No limitation on the property age
  • Preferential Interest Rate
  • High Loan Amount
  • Quick Approval on the loan application

For any enquiries, please call us at 3426 9376 or email us


“忠告: 借錢梗要還,咪俾錢中介

Warning: You have to repay your loans. Don't pay any intermediaries.” 


查詢及投訴熱線:3421 0177
Enquiry and Complaint Hotline: 3421 0177


Money Lenders Licence No.: 1882/2024


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